Professional performance of graduates from the Pharmacoepidemiology Master’s Degree Course
graduates, master’s degree, pharmacoepidemiology.Abstract
Introduction: Follow-up of graduates allows knowing their professional performance. This aspect has not been taken into account in the Master's Degree Course in Pharmacoepidemiology.
Objective: To characterize professional performance of the graduates of the first three editions, between 2010 and 2018, of the Master's Degree Course in Pharmacoepidemiology.
Methods: A descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out, with a universe of 73 graduates. The following variables were measured: position related to pharmacoepidemiology before and after the Master's Degree Course, competences in the program’s area of knowledge, carrying out pharmacoepidemiology activities, promotion of position, teaching and scientific rank, among others. Graduates were surveyed by email.
Results: Fifty-two graduates answered the survey, 57.7% of whom live in Havana. There was a predominance of women (69.2%), the age group 41-50 years (53.8%) and of doctors (52%). Most of the respondents recognized the influence of the Master's Degree Course in communicating scientific topics and conducting research. 46.2% worked in pharmacoepidemiology after completing the Master’s Degree Course; 42.3% carried out pharmacoepidemiology activities as experts in the National Drug Program, were members of the pharmacotherapeutic committees at their institution, and developed studies on drug use, among others. 53.8% promoted from their positions; 46.2% published the results of their master's thesis; and 38.5% acquired teaching ranks.
Conclusions: Professional performance was characterized by positive changes, of heterogeneous magnitude, especially in research activities, which allowed to consider that there was a training impact on graduates. Most of them did not work in pharmacoepidemiology nor carried out related activities, which denoted lack of coordination between their training and their connection with working areas consistent with their training.
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