Student perception about the quality of teaching activities as part of on-the-job education
methodological training, on-the-job education, student perception.Abstract
Introduction: The methodological training of professors includes the students' judgment about the performed teaching activities. It is not only a matter of listening to their opinions, but also of paying attention to their reasons. However, this element is not considered frequently, or it is done in an improvised and incorrect way.
Objective: To identify the students' perception on the quality of on-the-job education activities performed during the third academic year of the major.
Methods: An observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study was carried out with a universe of 433 third-year medical students from Hospital Clínico Quirúrgico Docente “León Cuervo Rubio”. By means of a questionnaire, they were asked for their appreciation on the activities of on-the-job education and their criteria regarding the deficiencies in the performance of each one of them.
Results: The session of macroscopic parts, also called "fresh parts," and the morning report session were assessed with positive criteria, with a predominance of the excellent rating. The case discussion, the medical duty, as well as the imaging and pathology clinical practice, received some fair ratings, or even poor in the latter.
Conclusions: Favorable criteria from the students predominated, with negative remarks in the clinical case discussion, as well as in the clinical-pathological and imaging sessions.
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