The Performance of Nursing Professionals in Anesthesiology and Resuscitation at Surgical Units in The Gambia, Africa
nursing, anesthesiology, strategy.Abstract
Introduction: The development of anesthesiology and resuscitation, as well as international trends in the field, demands from professionals an ascending rhythm of updating, inasmuch as professional and human improvement, on the basis of new practices, leads to the humanized comprehensive care of the patient submitted to anesthetic conduction.
Objective: To design an upgrading strategy for improving the performance of anesthesiology and resuscitation nurses at surgical units in The Gambia, Africa.
Methods: A prospective and observational study was carried, involving a population of 15 anesthesiology and resuscitation nurses from surgical units in The Gambia, Africa. Theoretical and empirical methods included systematization, analysis-synthesis, the functional-structural systemic method, parameterization, survey, observation guide and methodological triangulation, modeling and the socialization workshop.
Results: The strategy responds to the improvement of performance, based on the transformation of the level reached by nursing professionals in anesthesiology and resuscitation. The epistemological, philosophical, social, psychological and medical education referents guarantee consistency, as well as lead to the achievement of a humanized comprehensive care to the patient submitted to anesthetic conduction. The assessment of the strategy through the performance test and the socialization workshop corroborated the relevance, feasibility and possibilities for its development.
Conclusions: The analysis of the fundamentals and the conducted systematization allowed defining professional upgrading performance for improving performance as such, which enriches the science of medical education in general and the development of anesthesiology and resuscitation in particular; as well as it distinguishes the strategy as a practical proposal to achieve performance improvement with these professionals from surgical units in The Gambia, Africa.
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