Effectiveness in the training of student teachers based on collaborative learning
collaborative learning, student teachers, teaching practice.Abstract
Introduction: Collaborative learning requires interaction among group members, as well as individual responsibility with learning. It is used as a method for training student teachers in order to incorporate them to the teaching practice of the basic course on cardiopulmonary resuscitation with the first academic year.
Objective: To determine the effectiveness of collaborative learning as a method for training student teachers to be part of teaching practice.
Methods: An evaluation research was carried out using theoretical (analysis-synthesis and historical-logical), as well as empirical (document review, observation and survey) methods. The purposive sample consisted of eighteen student teachers, which corresponded to the total number of participants. The research was organized in two stages: preparation with specific contents and medical education, and execution of practical lessons. Four variables were defined.
Results: The way that they student teachers behaved in the training activities were found to have a high level, in both areas (FR>0.95); as well as for the specific performance in the practical lessons (FR: 96). Both showed an increase in the value of the indicators from the first to the last activity. The practice with the students was self-evaluated as being at a high level (FR: 0.96), while 90.74 % of them were very satisfied with the training that they received, as well as with the teaching practice carried out.
Conclusions: The training of student teachers based on collaborative learning was very effective for their teaching practice in the basic course on cardiopulmonary resuscitation with the first academic year of the medical major.
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