Historical tendencies concerning the Health Situation Analysis within medical training in Cuba
health situation diagnosis, curriculum, undergraduate medical education, general physicians, public health, historical tendencies.Abstract
Introduction: The health situation analysis is a methodological scientific instrument.
Objective: To determine the historical tendencies concerning the development of the teaching-learning of the health situation analysis in medical training.
Methods: A pedagogical research was carried out, between September 2020 and June 2021, in the medical university of Ciego de Ávila Province, Cuba. Theoretical methods (historical-logical, analytical-synthetic and inductive-deductive) facilitated to know the evolution and development of the investigated object, revealing its antecedents, the stages of its evolution, as well as its essential historical connections. Document analysis and the triangulation of sources, as empirical methods, facilitated the critical analysis of the information. The three indicators constructed were content systematization, interdisciplinary relationship in the study plan, and level of intercultural interaction between student and a social actor in the theoretical-practical connection of the content. Ethical principles were complied with.
Results: As a tendency, the turning point was 1970, when a subject was introduced under the name The Man and His Environment. Four stages were identified: approximation (1970-1987), integration (1988-2004), consolidation in community intervention (2005-2015), and concretion in the ninth semester (2016-2021). The changes were evidenced through the qualitative leap in each indicator.
Conclusions: The succession of reforms has projected the health situation analysis as a professional curricular axis, but insufficient interdisciplinary and intercultural connections persist, avoiding to achieve community intervention.
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