Medical emergencies during oral treatment in the D and E study plans of the dental medicine major
acute medical complications, medical emergencies, dental medicine major, dental medicine subjects, study plans.Abstract
Introduction: The fundamental objective of contemporary oral care practice is to provide solutions not only to those entities that affect the oral apparatus, but also to prevent and treat those medical emergencies that may appear during professional practice. This purpose can be achieved only through the training of an oral physician with a high scientific-technical preparation.
Objective: To assess the contents related to medical emergencies during oral care in the D and E study plans of the dental medicine major.
Methods: A documentary analysis of the D and E study plans was carried out; the process consisted in reviewing the professional profile, the modes of action and the syllabuses of the integrating discipline Comprehensive Dental Medicine, as well as of the subjects. Likewise, an assessment was carried out of the contents related to medical emergencies during oral care, the semester in which the subject is taught, the objectives, the topics, as well as the system of knowledge and skills.
Results: The subjects and disciplines including contents related to medical emergencies during oral care were Clinical Surgery, Comprehensive Family Care III, Pharmacology and Preparation for Defense. The conducted documentary analysis and the performed interviews showed the existence of diverse criterions with respect to these contents in the addressed subjects.
Conclusions: The contents related to medical emergencies during oral care in the assessed syllabuses of subjects and disciplines were concluded to be limited and insufficient, as well as presented some deficiencies from the didactic point of view.
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