The surgical-risk patient in the Dental Medicine Major
surgical-risk patient, dental medicine major, dental medicine subjects, special patients, study plan.Abstract
Introduction: Comprehensive dental care is implemented through prioritized groups. Among these are patients with chronic diseases, which constitute a risk during surgical dental treatments. For various reasons, caring for these patients becomes difficult, while many deficiencies can appear during the teaching process.
Objective: To assess the contents related to the surgical-risk patient in the D Plan of Studies of the dental medicine major.
Methods: An analysis was carried out of the syllabi of the subjects from the current study plan. Documents such as the professional profile, modes of action, the syllabus of the integrative discipline and the syllabi of the programs were reviewed and analyzed. A group of contents were assessed: those related to the surgical-risk patient, the semester in which the subject is taught, the objectives, the topics, the knowledge and skills systems, the name of the surgical-risk patient and the hours allotted to this topic in each syllabus. Interviews were conducted with the professors, in which the above aspects were considered.
Results: The subjects that included care for surgical-risk patients belonged to the integrative discipline: Clinical Surgery, Comprehensive Family Care II and Oral Surgery. The document analysis carried out and the interviews conducted showed the existence of various criteria regarding the patient who is at surgical risk in the subjects addressed.
Conclusions: The syllabi of the subjects related to surgical risk presented didactic inadequacies, while their study does not include all surgical-risk patients.
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