Characterization of the tutor as a key actor in the training of the family medicine physician
training tutor, resident, Family Medicine.Abstract
Introduction: Medical education and practice make up a dialectical pair, from which tutors emerge as leading actors of training processes, with knowledge, skills and experience to guide learners towards their comprehensive development.
Objective: To characterize tutor training in the process of formation of the Family Medicine resident in La Habana Vieja Municipality in the period from January to June 2019.
Methods: A descriptive pedagogical research was carried out in the postgraduate area. The universe and the sample consisted of 75 physicians who provided tutorship for training Family Medicine residents. Theoretical and empirical methods were applied. To obtain the information, a documental analysis was carried out and a survey was applied, with prior informed consent.
Results: 42.7% of the participants had experience as tutors and were in the group between one and three years, while 54.7% had been specialists for five to ten years. The highest representation group (65.3%) did not hold a teaching or scientific rank. The master's degree in higher medical education was the training activity with the highest representation (15.9%). 86.6% expressed that they were not carrying out any research, while 53.3% have not participated in scientific events. Only 24% of the tutors specified that they have published in high-impact journals.
Conclusions: There are shortcomings in tutor training, a reason why it is necessary to implement strategies, such as the creation of a tutorial work commission at the level of the teaching department.
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