Family and family medicine in postgraduate education in Cuba
primary health care, family, family medicine, postgraduate education.Abstract
Introduction: Family functions as a unit during the process of care provision in family medicine. People and the community together make up the main scenarios of health actions in postgraduate training in Family Medicine, which allows comprehensive care for the person from the biopsychosocial point of view.
Objective: To describe the evolution of the system of objectives and contents in the training programs of the Family Medicine specialty, proposed for the managment of family and family medicine in postgraduate education in Cuba.
Methods: A descriptive and educational research was carried out. Theoretical and empirical methods were used, focused on bibliographic and document review, related to the objectives and contents about family and family medicine in postgraduate studies. Analysis, synthesis and contrast of criteria were used, based on the reviewed materials.
Results: Until 2018, the Family Medicine specialty has gone through five study programs. The contents about family and family medicine are included to be studied from the third program, in order to deepen and consolidate the necessary skills for intervention, both educational and therapeutic, of the family. The first one lacked comprehensiveness, and the fifth and current version is organized through courses.
Conclusions: The way the system of objectives and contents about family and family medicine are dealt with in the program of the Family Medicine specialty has evolved towards its progressive inclusion, which contributes to perfecting the competences of graduates, in order to fulfill the practice of medicine family.
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