Academic Credit, the Europeans Union and Cuba Cases: Significance, Implications and Recognition
credit, curricular implications, recognition.Abstract
Introduction: Academic credit has some relevant significance in contemporary higher education worldwide due to its implications in the homologation processes, validation of studies, as well as student mobility. The study of the credit systems of the European Union and Cuba allows understanding their transcendence and development and, at the same time, identifying similarities and differences for their application and recognition.
Objective: To present a critical analysis of academic credit in postgraduate education, based on the best experiences according to a comparative study with the European Union, particularly Spain, for mutual recognition.
Authors' position: Academic credit is a concept expanding, enriching and transforming itself, as well as causing significant changes in curricular designs and the quality of postgraduate education. Therefore, knowledge about it and its innovative application are required for its mutual recognition, feasible and relevant, based on the critical analysis of contemporary trends and the successful experiences of the European Union and Cuba.
Conclusions: Academic credit is a concept that should be understood, applied and developed by the university community, as part of the culture of professors, students and officials. It responds, in a pertinent way, to the needs of the development of higher education and its contemporary trends, particularly internationalization, mobility and mutual recognition of degrees. It is a tool for higher education of higher quality, whose mission is oriented towards the achievement of a more sustainable, fair, inclusive and innovative society.
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